Awesome Tips About How To Be A Good Holy Pally

And holy pallys arnt good at pvp, im a shadow priest and i wreck.
How to be a good holy pally. Holy paladin pvp talents 1 light’s grace provides an incredibly powerful boost to your holy light as well as a damage reduction. Use seal of wisdom or seal of light. I was a holy paladin in tbc.
In order to be a successful holy paladin, it is vital you make use of your cooldown abilities as efficiently as possible. Try to auto attack while using instant cast spells to gain mana. The holy paladin is a mighty healer in a heavy suit of armor that protects the downtrodden, rushing to those in need found on any battlefield.
2 avenging light will increase your damage. The answer before me is right, no one likes be pallys, and honestly pallys are boring as hell to level i stopped leveling mine at 70. This means using holy shock, light of dawn, and crusader.
While every paladin is identical until level 10, once you're able to choose your talent trees, you can. Or you dress up as a ret pally for questing, get yourself a medium speed 2h ( rather then a. Maintain judgement of light or judgement of.
My question to the more exp healers in bg's. Holy paladins are good in. So i'm leveling a holy pally when i'm bored atm, i want to play him in arena & bg's when he is finished.
You basically consecrate while self healing and watching tv while the mobs slowly lose their will to live. If you want to level a holy paladin, you're going to have to kill all of your mobs the slow way. Priority maintain your assigned aura.